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9am - 5pm est
Thu, January 24 2013
At we exclusively offer covers that are breathable and manufactured using non-coated fabrics for the well-being of your boat, car or RV’s interior and exterior finish. Don’t be fooled…waterproof or coated materials do not allow interior moisture to escape! Even if the cover sheds all moisture the atmosphere throws at it, it will still pool on the ground below. This leaves no place for the moisture to go but up when it begins to evaporate, trapping the moisture right under the cover every time. This will not only promote the growth of mold and mildew under the cover but it will also cause potential damage to the paint finish, upholstery, flooring and any equipment.
Shop to find the material that will best fit your needs. Not sure what cover would be best for you? We are happy to help! Call (1-888-726-9300 M-F, 9-5 EST), live chat or email. One of our cover experts is standing by ready to assist you every step of the way.
or call 1-888-726-9300
Monday - Friday:
9am - 5pm est