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Thu, June 13 2013
Many people depend on sunscreen for skin protection during the summer. A good sunscreen can play a role in preventing sunburn provided you use it correctly. The FDA put new sunscreen rules into effect in 2012 allowing most sunscreens to claim they offer “broad spectrum” skin protection and also that they can reduce skin cancer. Sunburns are caused mostly by relatively short but intense UVB rays. But longer UVA rays are also dangerous because they penetrate the body more deeply. Sunscreen should protect well against both UVB and UVA rays. However, just don’t completely rely on sun lotions, when possible wear loose fitting clothes and hats that cover the skin but keep you cool.
Bimini Tops provide great sun protection while on the water. Protect yourself while boating and fishing with a beautiful and durable, USA-made Bimini Top from
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