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Wed, May 29 2013
Is your vehicle parked outdoors during the summer? Do you just hate getting in your car and not able to touch your steering wheel because of the intense sun? If so, why not help reduce the heat by purchasing an auto cover from We have many fabric options available; many of them are specially designed to provide the best protection for specific conditions. All our fabrics are designed to best suit your needs. Not only do we have covers but we have many other accessories. UV heat shields are available that are designed to help reduce interior temperature and protect the interior from damaging sun rays that penetrate the front windshield. We have dash mats to protect the dash surface from UV sun and/or cover blemishes and imperfections in older dashboards. We offer many different options. Visit and see what’s best for you.
Tips to keep your car cool in the summer.
1. Park in the shade
2. Use sunshades
3. Use dash cover
4. Steering Wheel Covers
5. Keep windows slightly cracked
or call 1-888-726-9300
Monday - Friday:
9am - 5pm est