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Mon, October 14 2013
It is time to put away your shorts and flip flops. The evening air now gives you the chills. Soon days on the boat will have to be temporarily put on hold. It is time to winterize your treasured boat. Winterizing is one of the most important maintenance tasks for a boat owner. Appropriate winterization will prevent moisture, freezing, and rust which are costly damages, and come springtime it will allow your boat a smooth takeoff. Some inexpensive maintenance tools can get the job done just right. We have found a list that can guide you through the process. Depending on what type of boat you have, some of this may not apply; but for most boats, following these steps will provide safe shelter for your boat throughout the winter.
1. Clean your boat. Apply rust inhibitor on the metal hardware and on your steering and control cables. Use “no damp” or other mildew control bags or buckets throughout the cabin and any enclosed lockers or compartments.
2. Drain fluid from your engine block, water pumps, coolers and gearcase then till the gearcase with lubricant. Don’t forget to drain out the porta-potty and fresh water system. Add freshwater antifreeze to water tank and the potty.
3. Fill the gas tank and stabilize with additives. Run engine for about 15 minutes to ensure that the additive reaches the gasoline in the fuel lines. Pump antifreeze into the supply lines that lead to the faucets and shower. Fill block, manifold, and circulating pump with propylene glycol antifreeze. Then backwash the cooling system and lower unit of the sterndrive to get rid of salt, sediment and rust flakes, by using an earmuff style flushing kit that clamps onto the water intakes. Use a winterization kit to pull antifreeze into cooling system.
4. Change oil and oil filters. Replace the fuel water separator. Inspects belts and hoses then replace if needed. Also replace any sacrificial anodes.
5. Grease the sterndrive gimbal bearing and engine coupler and also grease your trailer bearings. Inspect and lubricate steering and trim.
6. Test run the engine and spray fogging oil on the cylinders until the engine stalls. This protects the inside parts from corrosion.
7. Sand down and repaint the lower unit to prevent rust.
8. Remove battery and store in a safe dry place. Check battery fluid levels. Remove interior cushions and jump seats and store in a cool, dry place or place the cushions on ends to allow for maximum ventilation to reduce mildew damage. Be sure to remove any food or drink from the boat. Also remove any charts, linens and electronics that could be damaged by moisture.
Lastly you will need a boat cover. At we offer boat covers for areas that endure extreme elements, either intense sun or harsh winter weather. We are currently giving away a free tie-down kit and 10% off the purchase of any boat cover! That is exactly what you will need for winterizing your boat!
or call 1-888-726-9300
Monday - Friday:
9am - 5pm est